The 47th annual Dannehower Award Banquet was held on May 13, 2010.

Liam Thomas Smith of Upper Perkiomen High School (center) won the 2010 Dannehower Award and the $5,000 scholarchip that goes with it. First runner-up Jessica Cunning of Lansdale Catholic (left) was awarded a $3,000 scholarship and Michelle Konkoly of Methacton High School (right) was awarded a $2,000 scholarship as second runner-up.
2010 William F. Dannehower Award Nominees
The Academy of the New Church
Stephen Rohtla
Bishop McDevitt High School
Wallace Weaver
Cheltenham High School
Elizabeth Taliaferro
Christopher Dock Mennonite High School
Chad Clemmens
Country Day School of the Sacred Heart
Emily Burrichter
Germantown Academy
Kacie Kergides
Gwynedd Mercy Academy
Haley Keenan
Jenkintown High School
Stephan Arena
Kennedy-Kenrick Catholic High School
Caitlin Grobaker
Lansdale Catholic High School
Jessica Cunning
LaSalle College High School
William Kevin Burke
Lower Merion High School
John “Tyler” Saitta
Merion Mercy Academy
Margaret Mary Doyle
Norristown Area High School
Nikole C. Smith
Methacton High School
Michelle Konkoly
North Penn High School
Sophie Eiger
Perkiomen Valley High School
Emma Sidoriak
Plymouth Whitemarsh High School
Caitlin Mundy
Pottsgrove High School
Andrew De Lina
Spring-Ford High School
Paul Michael Luchon
Souderton High School
Melissa “Missy” Susan Doll
Upper Dublin High School
Alexander Stine
Upper Merion Area High School
Rachel Karen
Upper Moreland High School
Christie Graf
Upper Perkiomen High School
Liam Thomas Smith
Valley Forge Baptist Academy
Nathan Gifford
Wissahickon High School
Tim Greer