2021 Tip Off Tournament Recap • 47th Annual
47th ANNUAL TOURNAMENT – 2021 RECAP – by: Mike Toth The 47th Annual Triangle Basketball Tournament had a new home in 2021. LaSalle High School College Explorer’s (Springfield, PA) stepped up to host this long running high school boys classic after a pandemic...
2019 Tip Off Tournament Recap • 46th Annual
Archbishop Wood (Philadelphia Catholic League) coasted to a big 72-47 victory over West Chester Rustin to win the 2018 tournament.

2018 Tip Off Tournament Recap • 45th Annual
Archbishop Wood (Philadelphia Catholic League) coasted to a big 72-47 victory over West Chester Rustin to win the 2018 tournament.

2017 Holiday Tournament Recap • 44th Annual
Bishop McDevitt won the 44th Annual Triangle Club Basketball Tournament Friday night with a 65-51 win over Norristown at Montgomery County Community College.

2016 Holiday Tournament Recap • 43rd Annual
Meet the new champ, same as the old champ. Father Judge won the Triangle Club’s 43rd Tournament with a 56-51 victory over Hatboro-Horsham.

2015 Holiday Tournament Recap • 42rd Annual
Father Judge made their first appearance in the 42 year old tournament and left with the first place trophy.

2014 Holiday Tournament Recap • 41st Annual
Germantown Academy repeats as champion of the 41st Annual Triangle Club Holiday Tournament with a tough fought 58-48 victory over Susquehanna Township.

2013 Holiday Tournament Recap • 40th Annual
Four teams entered the 40th Annual Triangle Tournament under the guise of rebuilding from last season. Some teams are rebuilding faster than others.

2012 Holiday Tournament Recap • 39th Annual
The first night of the 2012 Triangle Tournament opened with a great basketball game.

2011 Holiday Tournament Recap • 38th Annual
The 2011 Triangle Club Holiday Basketball Tournament ended with a new champion.

2010 Holiday Tournament Recap • 37th Annual
Opening night saw the Conestoga Pioneers upend the defending champions Germantown Academy Patriots 74-64.